Good News
for the University


Do your Christian life and your degree feel like completely separate parts of your life? Can you imagine what it might be like to let your faith shape your studies, and see your degree introduce meaningful conversations about your faith?

Colossians 1:15-20 says that everything was created by Christ and for Christ. This includes our field of study!

Good News for the University is a long-term ministry developing pathways for your future academic service as you pursue further study and consider an academic career. 

At the same time our investment in academics and doctoral students is designed to foster examples and resources to serve and inspire you in your own degree studies.

If you’d like to get a taste of what’s to come, sign up to our mailing list below, and keep an eye out for our resource-development work, The Gospel and Academia Project.

As far as the national movements are concerned, UCCF in Great Britain provides certain discipline-specific support through its Leadership Network (left).